إذا تأثر نشاطك التجاري أيضًا بـ COVID-19 الذي ظهر على العالم. دفعت العزلة الاجتماعية بعض الشركات إلى التوقف عن العمل ، مما أجبر البعض الآخر على إعادة تنظيم طريقة عملها من أجل البقاء واقفة على قدميها. p>
من بين أمور أخرى ، كان عليهم تغيير استراتيجيات الموردين الخاصة بهم بسبب التباعد الاجتماعي ، وتقديم منتجات جديدة وإعادة وضع منتجاتهم الحالية بحيث ترتبط بنمط الحياة الجديد المؤمّن ، وإدخال طرق توصيل جديدة بدون تلامس.
في المقالة التالية ، سنناقش كيف قام 10 بائعي تجزئة ، بما في ذلك ايكيا و Woolworths و Best Buy ، بتمحور نموذج أعمالهم للعمل بفعالية في هذا الواقع الجديد الناجم عن تفشي الوباء. إذا تأثر نشاطك التجاري أيضًا بـ COVID-19 ، فستجد استراتيجيات وحلول مجربة ومختبرة ستساعدك على التكيف مع هذا الواقع الجديد الصعب. p>
‘iidha ta’athar nashatuk altijariu aydan bi COVID-19 aladhi zahar ealaa alealamu. dafaeat aleuzlat alajtimaeiat baed alsharikat ‘iilaa altawaquf ean aleamal , mimaa ‘ajbar albaed alakhar ealaa ‘iieadat tanzim tariqat eamaliha min ‘ajl albaqa’ waqifatan ealaa qadamayha. p>
min bayn ‘umur ‘ukhraa , kan ealayhim taghyir astiratijiaat almuaridin alkhasat bihim bisabab altabaeud alaijtimaeii , wataqdim muntajat jadidat wa’iieadat wade muntajatihim alhaliat bihayth tartabit binamat alhayaat aljadid almwmmn , wa’iidkhal turuq tawsil jadidat bidun talamusi.
fi almaqalat altaaliat , sanunaqish kayf qam 10 bayiei tajziat , bima fi dhalik aykya w Woolworths w Best Buy , bitamahwur namudhaj ‘aemalihim lileamal bifaealiat fi hadha alwaqie aljadid alnaajim ean tafashiy alwaba’i. ‘iidha ta’athar nashatuk altijariu aydan bi COVID-19 , fasatajid astiratijiaat wahulul mujarabatan wamukhtabiratan satusaeiduk ealaa altakayuf mae hadha alwaqie aljadid alsaebi. p>

Among others, they had to shift their supplier strategies due to social distancing, introduce new and reposition their current products so that they correlated with the new, lockdown lifestyle, and introduce new, contactless delivery methods.
In the following article, we’re going to discuss how 10 retailers, including IKEA, Woolworths, and Best Buy, pivoted their business model to operate effectively in this new reality brought by the pandemic outbreak. If your business has also been impacted by COVID-19, you’ll find tried-and-tested strategies and solutions that will help you adjust to this difficult new reality.
Quote testimonials are ads or artwork that display positive statements made about your company from a brand evangelist or a highly satisfied customer. The quote is usually accompanied by an image of the person being quoted to make the message feel more relatable to the target audience.
Among others, they had to shift their supplier strategies due to social distancing, introduce new and reposition their current products so that they correlated with the new, lockdown lifestyle, and introduce new, contactless delivery methods.
In the following article, we’re going to discuss how 10 retailers, including IKEA, Woolworths, and Best Buy, pivoted their business model to operate effectively in this new reality brought by the pandemic outbreak. If your business has also been impacted by COVID-19, you’ll find tried-and-tested strategies and solutions that will help you adjust to this difficult new reality.
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